A NOW Time
Have you ever watched a movie and thought what was said was for you? Or maybe a song that you heard and wonder if they read your journal? These are NOW moments. What's a NOW moment you ask? It's a time when something is heard that you might be the only person that can relate to it (Michelle's version). And as a Speaker this is my prayer. That God would begin to use my voice for NOW moments for others. That what is spoken will penetrate their lives to become all that He has for them. During this down time, I will be asking God to empower me with words that will pierce any lies or sin that women have over them in the upcoming speaking season (which starts in September for me). That my prayer and study time will be fruitful. That God would continue to bring a team of women around me to encourage and pray for me. But most importantly that the platforms that I speak from will be His platforms. That my words are His words and that souls would be saved and lives changed for HIS GLORY!