A Late Night Phone Call
Continuation from Part I Yep, I was late. Late as in I missed my cycle. I didn’t want to think it. I didn’t want to face it. Within the few days of missing I told Jose that I was late and he ran to the store and bought me two pregnancy tests. One more than needed for extra assurance!
There it was…the plus sign. I remember falling to the floor crying and asking God why. Why was this happening? We just moved to our dream home with our 3 wonderful children. Now this. I called Jose up from the family room and he saw in my face the answer. All I could see was disappointment. Then the questions, how could this happen? Didn’t you take your pill as prescribed? What are we suppose to do now? I had no answers. I just sat on the bathroom floor crying.
I called my best friend, not my mom, that night. I was too embarrassed. It was 11:00pm and I knew she would answer. I began to tell her the news. She gasped, “Oh, Michelle”. Is all I remember hearing. But she said something I needed to hear, “God has a purpose for everything. Sometimes we don’t know why but we have to trust Him that He does.” I went to bed that night (with Jose. He still loved me! HA!) angry at God. Why now and what purpose did He see with another child. Did He forget I just gave birth to twins!
To be continued…