Inspired from a Newsletter

Today I was going through and cleaning out 210 emails (yikes!) that have been waiting for me the last week.  I stumbled upon a December newsletter from Tricia Goyer (gotta love her!) and was inspired to take what she has done and use it in my own life. Each month for 2010, she took 2-4 events that happened in her life and listed them.  Whether it was releasing a new book or adopting a baby, Tricia was impacted by them all.

I think it is so important as mother's to note events in our own lives.  I am asked from Mom's every where I speak, what is the one piece of advice I can give them?  I always say, keep a journal. Write down accomplishments your child does, their first words, how being a mom makes you feel in that moment.  I guarantee you it will be worth the time and effort.

I give this advice because I didn't do it and wish I did.  Something that I can go back to and remember all that God has done for me, as a mother. I encourage you to start!

Better late than never.  I'll be starting in January 2011.

How about you?  Do you journal events in your life?


Praying Scripture Is Like Eating Lucky Charms


Write the Vision Down For 2011