Is He the Center Of Your Wheel?
We talked about the molding process last week and today I want to talk to you about being “Centered” in Jesus.
When you study pottery making and how you need to add water to the lump of clay so that is becomes moldable, the next step is to center the clay on the wheel. The wheel will then start to spin so that the potter can then use his hands to start the molding and shaping process with the clay as it is actually spinning on the wheel.
However, if the piece of clay is not properly “centered” in the middle of the wheel, then he will not be able to work with it, and he will not be able to make the pottery he wants to make. The reason is if he tries to make a piece of pottery with a lump of clay that is not properly centered in the middle of the wheel, it will eventually tear apart before he can finish the process.
Oh…man, that’s good!
In the same way that the clay has to be properly centered in the middle of the wheel before the potter can even begin to mold and shape it – we have to be properly centered with God before He can start to mold and shape us.
So what does all this mean? I believe it means to be properly centered in Jesus you have to be under a complete and full surrender of YOU and YOUR entire life with Him where He is now in full control of your entire life. Jesus has to become both Lord and Savior in your life, not just the Savior part.
Just like the potter cannot mold the piece of clay into the piece of pottery that he is trying to make unless it is perfectly centered in the middle of the wheel – in the same way the Lord cannot begin to properly work with us in this life unless we are perfectly centered in Him in this full surrender.
Today ask God if you have made Him the center of your life. Search your heart and find who is leading and guiding your steps. God has called each of us in this life, but without Him we can do absolutely nothing if we labor in vain.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1)