Let's Do Life Together

My first writing was in May of 2009 and gosh, was it awful. As the years went by, I’ve been so thankful for all of you. You truly have given me an incredible opportunity to pour into you and encourage me to keep on doing this writing thing.
When I receive emails that something hit you in the words that were written or asking for prayer because some way some how in your darkest hours, you find peace in knowing that someone out there understands.
I give all honor and glory to Him when I see others set free from their pain and life circumstances that point them back to Christ because words shined a light on their situation.
All I’ve ever prayed for this space to be is for others to walk in victory and walk out of a victim mentality.
That whatever is said in this space would be out of obedience to God and would be a lamp for others.
And most of all, that you would know that you know, that You are who God says You are. That when you look in the mirror, that you don’t see what the world wants you to believe or what the devil wants you to think, but that you can walk in confidence knowing that you are a child of the Most High God.
So this year, I want to continue on this journey with you. I want to walk with you doing life together. Where the computer screen feels small and the love of Christ wraps around you so big.
I want us to dream big this year. I want us to not just finish our race, but finish it well.
Let’s do it. Let’s do it together.
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty – Zechariah 4:6