Holy Week Day 4: The Betrayal
Betrayal is ugly. Offense is ugly.
Division is ugly.

The Pharisees begin their plot to arrest and kill Jesus.
Wednesday brings evil.
And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him {John 13:2}
A foothold was established before Thursday.
The same Mary that saw Jesus on Palm Sunday arrives on Wednesday with an Alabaster flask of expensive perfume.
Instead of pouring, she breaks the jar over Jesus’ feet as though she is saying she is all-in.
As though she is in repentance of her own sins, worshiping Him as her Savior.
She models love.

One of the twelve.
The treasurer of the tribe took issue.
Judas thought her act of love was a waste of money and questioned Jesus about it. But, Jesus told Judas to leave Mary alone and allowed her to continue.
Offense takes place and evil is entered.
At that moment of offense the devil found an open door in Judas’ heart.
A brief window of opportunity was given and the devil gladly took it.
Taking a long-term relationship and a trusted friend into a betrayer.
Instead of letting go of the disagreement and forgetting about it, Judas, let the issue become a big deal in his mind.
Oh, the mind. The mind is a very dangerous place.
It’s the place where we find the emotions of our lives playing front and center with our decisions.
Instead, Judas did not take His thoughts captive, the devil pollutes his thoughts about Jesus.
Division is cast.
Judas bites the bait and sells Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
The price of a slave.
If the bull gores a male or female slave, the owner must pay thirty shekels of silver to the master of the slave, and the bull is to be stoned to death. {Exodus 21:32}
May we recognize when Satan tries to inject a seed of division in our own hearts. His goal is to drive a wedge between you and those you love.
May we resist the temptation to get offended.
We must determine that we will never let any issue get blown out of proportion that it turns us into a lying, betraying friend.
If you, yourself, are hurting right now because someone has betrayed and hurt you, make the decision to forgive.
May we crucify the emotions and choose the route of forgiveness.
Holy Week Series
Palm Sunday Day One: The Branch or The Hammer
Monday Day Two: The Fig Tree