We Tend To Get In The Way Of God

This week I want to challenge you with something that is so simple…write a letter. But not just any letter, I want to challenge you to write a letter thanking God for your future AS IF you are already there living it. Write a letter thanking Him for prosperity, health, promotion, productivity and the pleasures of life. Tell Him how grateful you are for the accomplishment(s) that have come forth. Make it as vivid and tangible as you can. The more you place yourself in this conceivable future and live life AS IF you were already there, with humility and gratitude of course, the more likely you are to rewire who you are and the goals you set for yourself.

Thank You Letter

I see so many times other people take on tasks or make decisions that affect their future only to find themselves going backwards in life or delaying the journey God has them on. They then question as to why they are where they are or why did it take so long to get there.

We tend to get in the way of our own selves.

By writing a Thank You letter to God with all the plans and visions we have of ourselves AS IF we are already there, will keep us focused on those tasks and decisions that we make.


For example, I love to bake pies and there were times a few years ago that I would have loved to have opened up a pie shop. Now, who knows I could open up a pie shop because I have an entrepreneurial spirit and love to start successful businesses. I also know that it may only be a piece of the puzzle that God has for my life (Read my About page to find out a little more). We just have to be careful that WE don’t get in the way of WHERE God has us to go.

Me getting in the way of me.

To refocus, we now have a letter that reminds us of our life AS IF we are already there. It helps us in our decision making process. Where we can look at this letter and say Yes to something that is going to move us in the direction towards those accomplishments or No because it will cause our eyes to be off the prize.

The prize being Jesus Christ.

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18 NIV

Here are two AS IF key points:

1. Prayer – When we say the word prayer, it sounds at times so formal to me. The kind of prayer I’m talking about is the ones that you’re alone in your car and you begin to have a conversation with God. Now, the driver next to you might think you’re crazy but it’s likely you’ll never see him again. Whether in the car, cleaning the house, or cooking dinner, God longs to talk with you, to have a conversation with you. He wants to tell you your AS IF moments.

2. Reading His Word – The Bible is so rich with stories of successes, tragedies and triumphs. We can learn from Solomon, the wisest king that walked this earth and a great business man. We can learn from Abraham, David, Joseph, Jonah, Ruth, Esther, and all the disciples and how God made something out of nothing in each one of them. We can read all the books out there and gain knowledge and insight from each one, but I know that if I don’t have the Word in me, I wouldn’t be able to fight the fights I have fought, have discernment when I need to say No instead of Yes, or have prayed prayers that took Scriptures to remind me that I have a hope and a future in Him.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4 NIV

What if we begin to see ourselves living AS IF and act as if we are already there? What if we begin seeking God in prayer and scripture to find our future?

Share with us your future AS IF you are already there.


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