@stickyJesus (Chapter 2)

In the next few days it will be Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus!  Chapter 2 of @stickyJesus aligns itself with the message of His birth; Jesus, the stickiest story ever told (not just a coincidence!) Think about it.  Every time someone hits “Follow” on Twitter it’s as if the Three Wise Men are following us. We have a message that God Himself has given us, it’s what we do with it that matters the most.  Our message should be “sticky”.  A message that changes hearts for this and future generations.

This Christmas, with all the giving and receiving of gifts, visiting with family and friends, take time to unwrap the one true gift…Jesus Christ.  Let Him be the first person you “follow” everyday in this New Year. Let His “status updates” in His Word penetrate your heart like it never has before.  So that the message He wants you to show others is “sticky” and it creates a tribe of followers to God Himself.

Lord, I pray that each word that is written in each of our blog posts will be "sticky".  God, I ask that your light would shine in each word; in each paragraph.  That it would change hearts and lives to "follow" you.  In your precious name I pray, Amen.

Remember when linking put something interesting in the "your name" section so it draws attention to your readers!

Question (if you need help starting a post):

1.  What story has God given you that will stick to this generation?

2.  In your everyday "to-do" list, what is the first thing you do to connect with Him?


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