How To Have Friends That Believe In You

In my own life, I consider myself fortunate to have a few that I can relate and walk with. We challenge and encourage each other.
I want to inspire you today to find others whom God has put in your life to run next to them. Maybe you, yourself, are fortunate to have those people around you. There was a time in my life that I didn’t. I felt alone and didn’t know where to turn or what circle I was going to fit into. What did I do to change all that?
I prayed.
I asked God to bring me friends. To help me find friends that He wanted in my life.
Plain and simple.
There is nothing better when you are running a marathon or, in my case recently, learning to write calligraphy than to have someone who believes in you, who is there for you and who is helping you to run or write at your best. It is certainly true in our spiritual life too. God has called people to come along side us. And if you were like me wondering where they are or where to find them, all you have to do is ask.
As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend – Proverbs 27:17